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Anna Ullenius


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Over 30 years of experience in the field of personal development and self awareness. During these years Anna has empowered and guided thousands of individuals world wide in self-healing, transformation, to unlock their human potentials.

Anna has master's degree in Psychology and Social science. She is trained and certified by Dr. Joe Dispenza at NeuroChangeSolutions (NCS) and works with their methods in organizations. Anna is a Certified Introspective Hypnosis and Past Life regressions therapist, Certified ICF Coach, Certified Zen coach, NLP master and NLP Coach, Conselling from the Heart, amongs many other modalities she has studied.

One of Annas specialties is using horses as co/coaches in the work of change and healing. With Annas long and deep experience she has developed powerful ways for self-healing true transformation, embracing autenticity and empowerment.
Anna has exploring and living the art of Tantra the last 16 years.
Annas mission is to unlock human potential through through tools and methods based in Neuroscience and energy work to facilitate people to reconnect with their heart and their inner wisdom and unlimited soul to live their dream life.


The Key to Your Heart

The intelligence of the heart is a potent healing force that invites us to cultivate greater awareness, openness, and interconnection in our lives. By the power and our hearts, we can tap into a reservoir of healing power that has the potential to transform not only our own lives but also the world around us. Learn practical tools to open your heart and access it´s healing power that will transform your love life and love making.

Dive into Energy Awareness

Delve into the awareness of your own energy and others. Through the intelligence of the heart and body and it's field we'll explore how to let your energy guide you in attracting and manifesting your right partner or how you can evolve your current partner. Through guided exercises, you'll learn to read energies, deeper self-awareness and intuition. Get clarity for energetic boundaries for fulfilling relationships aligned with your authentic self.

The Joy & Power of Womanhood -

Workshop together with Rosario Rojas

Explore the power, joy and juicyness of your womanhood and what is required to nourish and cultivate that beautiful force. Become aware and embrace the shadowsides and learn how to transform it to the Divine Feminine.



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