Li Tadaa
Lust Coach & Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Li Tadaa is a gender-fluid Lust Coach, dancer, & Somatic Experiencing Practitioner with 15 years of experience with movement and embodiment. Their knowledge of dance and routes to pleasure from traditions around the globe
is combined with the understanding of the nervous system, dance therapy,
somatic trauma healing, shamanism, and non-duality.
Through her programs and courses, Li has helped over a thousand people to reconnect
with their inner safety, pleasure & happiness. Li is at the Tantra Festival to share their unique combo of movement, our innate fluidity, and more profound process work.
-Grow Up! -
Safe attachment is not something you were born with; it's a practice! Most of us unconsciously project our childhood needs onto our partner. Let us explore our needs for security and connection (commonly called anxious attachment) and space and freedom (commonly called avoidant attachment) and practice grown-up relating from a place of unconditional love.
- Pleasure & Fluidity -
Tantra often brings wisdom around energy work and polarities. In this session, we will explore how we all carry yin & yang (commonly called feminine and masculine energies) and that within, we all have a gender-fluid spirit that can be everything and nothing simultaneously.
This is what I call "When non-duality meets the non-binary."
There will be guided practices with inquiries, movement, and playful games to experience pleasure in new ways. This is for all people tired of the normative!
- Dance and Drum Journey -
Dig out your feelings, go into the mud, play with each other, and unleash your inner animals. This is different from your typical dance journey. Let the rhythm take you through the elements, through water, earth, and MUD, to be reborn into fire, wind, and spirit. Dance is a language of emotions, of embodiment, and human connection. You do not want to miss this guided interactive movement session on African Live Music.