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Frida & Preben Sander


Frida and Preben Sander first met 18 years ago in a sweat lodge at Ängsbacka. Ten years later they got married at the same place. In their daily life, with their four children and homes in two countries they strive to live a conscious and vibrant life from a place of integrity.


Both are keen students of yogic, mindfulness and tantric philosophies and practices, their aim is to embody the teachings and techniques in everyday life.


Both Frida and Preben are navigating the balance of being dedicated business professionals, dedicated lovers, dedicated parents and dedicated tantrikas. For this festival, they will share some tools to living it.




Pillars of Commitment

A relationship can be restrictive or expansive and often it is both at the same time. In this workshop we are exploring how a deeply committed relationship to self and/or to a partner can be the path to expansion and a deeper love. How can freedom and growth arise out of commitment?
On the tantric path we are bound to come across challenges and temptations exploring our inner and outer self. How do we grow from these encounters instead of avoiding them or hiding from them?




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